📜FCON Ambassadors Program

What is it?

FCON Ambassadors Program - An incentive created for the community to reward every member in $FCON for being a part of Space Falcon's growth.

Involvement consists of promoting Space Falcon and sharing news, product releases, insights and opinions on Twitter.

Each program's cycle will last for 2 weeks and will be summarized at the end, resulting in $FCON distribution.

How to be eligible?

To be eligible, you need to have a TOP 10 overall engagement rate in the community and make at least 1 Twitter post or more about Space Falcon during 2 weeks of the program's cycle.

However, it's important to mention that even 3 posts of every member will be combined to determine the overall engagement and $FCON reward.

It's advisable to make as many as you can to have TOP 3 of your best-performed posts that will lead to higher $FCON rewards. (bots engagement will be dismissed)

Rewards Estimation

Every interaction with your post (Like, RT, Comment) is equal to 100 $FCON. The overall engagement number will determine the reward value of the post(s).

Ex. a) 1 Post with 60 interactions (including Likes, RT, Comments) = 6,000 $FCON b) 180 = 18,000 $FCON c) 350 = 35,000 $FCON

How to Submit & Claim $FCON?

The TOP 10 members with the highest engagement rate will be selected and rewarded.

At the end of each program's cycle, the discord channel for the FCON Ambassadors Program will open to post the screenshots and links of your TOP 3 posts along with the wallet address that you want $FCON to be sent to.

Last updated