🎟️How to Get Whitelisted?

Aviatrix Starter Pack

Welcome to our short guide where we’ll walk you through the Whitelisting process for the upcoming Aviatrix Starter Pack! Let’s take a look at these simple tasks.

Whitelisting guide:

  1. To get started, press on “Aviatrix” in the navigation bar or the button called “Get Whitelisted” on the top of the page.

  1. You will see 4 tasks that are required to complete. Firstly, click on “Log in” to sign-in or create your account if you haven’t yet. You can find a short guide on how to create Space Falcon account here.

  1. Once you have your account logged in, click “Follow Now” and follow us on Twitter. You will see green ticks above the tasks that are completed.

  1. Lastly, connect your Phantom wallet to Space Falcon website. If you don’t have your wallet on Phantom yet, you can find the guide on how to create your it here.

Once the wallet is connected and the rest of the tasks completed, you will be whitelisted! Also, join our discord to receive your whitelist role.

We have an ongoing Falcon Referral Program where you can start participating by going to dashboard. There you’ll find your referral code that can be shared with others to claim 20$ of Falcon Points for each created account using your code.

Get Whitelisted

Last updated